Just a quick update on the VSO film that was made during my stay in Mongolia (see http://rob-in-mongolia.blogspot.com/2008/06/robert-slinn-movie-star.html for a reminder). The film is now finished and is being shown around universities around the UK. It's a great souvenir of my time in Mongolia. I hope you enjoy it!
The 4-minute part that I'm in!
The whole video [part 1]
The whole video [part 2]
The Beatles finally come to Mongolia! Yes, and they're here to stay. The prime minister of Mongolia, Mr Bayar, said in last year's election that he would constuct such a monument of his favourite band if he was re-elected. As he is true to his word, the square next to the biggest store in Mongolia now has a statue dedicated to the Beatles. It is supposed to be a space in which Mongolians can come and play street music - I hope the local people like it and that more people start playing guitars on the streets. Mongolians are so good at music, but very few of them play in public areas.
As you can tell, "bi Mongol Uls sanaj baina" (I'm missing Mongolia!). However, I think it's much better to feel that way - Mongolia will always be in my heart. To help with this feeling I have made some very nice Mongolian friends in London. It will be great to show them around my country, just as many very kind Mongolians did to me when I was in Mongolia. I think I will go back to the "Land of Blue Sky" sometime soon, so be prepared for a new blog... For now though, lots of love to you all and have a good start to 2009,
Welcome to my weblog! On this page I'll chronicle the year that I'll spend living and working in Mongolia's capital, Ulaanbaatar. I hope you find what I write of interest. I'll try to update this page at least once a week, so look out for future posts in the near future...
Disclaimer: The views in this website are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect those of VSO.
I'm a British person working at an international school in Beijing. I'm hoping to explore a bit of Chinese culture over my stay here - fingers crossed you'll find some of the things I share of interest. Enjoy!
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